Bringing words alive

Bringing words alive

When we read words on a page, we bring our own interpretation to what the author intended when they wrote them. It’s what brings joy to reading. Because of this, it was fascinating to be hear one of my short stories read by an actor and listen to their nuanced...
Appearances – a short story

Appearances – a short story

For International Women’s Day, I wrote a short story for the launch of the Women in Tottenham website. It gave me a fun break from drafting my new book, Stuck in Your World. Check out the story here.  
#sausagelove – an interview with Sketch

#sausagelove – an interview with Sketch

This weekend, I’ve been interviewing Sketch, the dazzling main character in Life in Your World. Read on for insights into her life. A      Hi, Sketch. Thanks for joining me today. As you know, I’m writing a blog for my website, and readers of Life in Your World...
New year, new books

New year, new books

Happy New Year! It’s the 2nd January as I write and I’m contemplating taking down the Christmas tree and looking forward to this week, this month and what the year will bring. New Year is something we’ve made up; we could pick any day to celebrate...