March is a funny time of year for weather in the UK. By that I mean both funny ha ha and funny peculiar. The skies turn on a gust of wind from bright blue to ominous grey as we grab at brollies and head for shelter. But March also heralds spring. Shoots of green emerge from the ground and buds and blossom appear on trees.

Spring is also an awakening for me. The winter has been tough. I hunkered down with books, TV, friends and an emergency trip to the sunshine, but despite all this, I wasn’t quite the Anj I wanted to be. However, during this time I’ve still been creating and thinking about I want to create going forward, and here is some of what’s coming up:

There’s a new Your World book coming out in June – find out what’s happening with Sketch, Inco, Matt and all your favourites.

The monthly poem, a set of curated lines of things people have said around me, will continue to the end of 2019. Then they will become a beautiful poetry book. If anyone is interested on working on some illustrations with me get in touch.

I’m thrilled to be getting involved with the Stoke Newington Literary Festival in June. It’s just up the road from me and I’m meeting a bunch of inspiring people.

And the spring awakening has planted some lightbulb ideas in my imagination. I’m playing with them and some new characters for a novel which I hope to start later in the year.

All of this and and more awaits us as the winter passes. As ever, I’ll be sharing updates on facebook, twitter and Instagram, but to get the news first, sign up to my mailing list. As well as insider info, you’ll get exclusive access to one of my short stories.